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Best Shoes For Haglund's Deformity

Best Shoes For Haglund's Deformity

What Is Haglund's Deformity?

Most people haven't heard of Haglund's deformity until they are diagnosed, yet it is a relatively common ailment.

It was named after Doctor Patrick Haglund, who discovered and described it in 1927

It is more common in middle age and affects women more often than men. It usually appears on both heels.

Haglund's deformity is a bony bump on the back of the heel bone, where your Achilles tendon attaches to your heel. 

Unlike some podiatric conditions, Haglund's deformity affects the bone and the tissue. The bony bump on the back of the heel bone agitates the soft tissue at the Achilles and the bursa that lies between the bone, and the tendon can become inflamed. 

Constant friction at the back of the heel can further irritate the skin, causing changes such as redness, thickening, and increased skin lines.

What are the symptoms of Haglund's Deformity?

Recommended Shoes For Haglunds Deformity

A large and painful bump on the back of your heel which can become red and sore when agitated, making walking painful and uncomfortable. The area can also experience swelling if the bursa becomes inflamed.

The condition is usually diagnosed after an x-ray which shows the bony protrusion at the heel. 

What Are The Causes Of Haglund's Deformity?

Heredity factors can make someone more prone to developing this condition. Other foot conditions can also make Haglund's Deformity more likely to develop; these include tight Achilles tendons, high arches and over-pronation of the foot when walking.

Shoes with very stiff leather uppers and backs can also encourage the condition to develop, due to increased friction around the natural bony prominence at the back of the heel. Everyone knows what it is like to break in these kinds of shoes - painful!

Recommended Shoes For Haglund's Deformity

While OTC treatments can alleviate symptoms (surgery is an option in severe cases), the best way to reduce the discomfort and pain from Haglund's Deformity is to wear the correct type of footwear.

Here are the features you should be looking for when purchasing your next pair of shoes if you want to reduce the symptoms of Haglund's Deformity.

Shoes With Padded Heel Collars

Padded heel collars reduce pressure at the heel, especially if the area is inflamed. Avoid footwear with rigid hard backs which can cut into the heel, especially when new and will aggravate your symptoms.

You don't have to compromise on style, and we stock lots of shoes with heel collars. So whether you need shoes for a formal occasion, work boots or summer sandals - we have a padded heel collar option for you!

Shoes With Soft Leather Uppers

Soft leather upper will help prevent irritation and reduce painful swelling. Always choose soft leather over harder leather, especially if the heel is already tender.

Shoes With Flexible Soles

Avoid shoes with solid leather soles and opt for flexible rubber or man-made soles where possible. Softer soles allow the outer sole to bend and flex as you walk reducing pressure at the heel, and the risk of the back of the shoe pushing into your heels.

Follow these simple steps, and you should experience a reduction in your symptoms. One of the problems with Haglund's Deformity is that it can become a spiral of symptoms, where your heel becomes inflamed, which causes more rubbing and irritation, which inflames the heel more.

Purchasing the correct type of footwear for Haglund's Deformity will break this cycle and help you manage the condition successfully.


We have over 30 years experience helping customers with this condition so if you would like advice on suitable styles then please give us a call. Or why not book an appointment for a fitting at our store in London?

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